

Invite New Members
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Join the Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars

Membership- This is where we grow our numbers. Awards are offered to Auxiliaries and members for signing up new members each year. 

Mentoring - Is an important part of our organization. Any member who works to teach others about the workings of the organization is a Mentor. Mentors are needed at all levels, to share the information we have learned over the years, and to help new members understand our workings.


Remember sending dues notices and recruiting events are part of the Circle of Excellence. Mailing dues notices before November 30, 2024, keep your Auxiliary qualified for the Circle. Notices are in MALTA, or you can create your own. Every Auxiliary should need and want members to help, volunteer, participate, and suggest change for the good of the Auxiliary. Let me know if you have any ideas about Membership.
Look under the Members Only Aux tab for the report forms