Department of Arkansas Extension and Revitalization
Maintain & Strengthen Current Auxiliaries
Presentations to Unaffiliated Post
Establish New Auxiliaries
Recognize Red-Flag Auxiliaries

5 Essentials of an Auxiliary
The National and Department organizations only require five (5) things of an Auxiliary:
    1. Auxiliaries should have at least ten (10) business meeting per year (Sec 210) Five (5) members in               good standing (of that Auxiliary) shall constitute a quorum. (Sec 212, A)
    2. Dues should be paid by at least ten (10) members on or before February 1 of current year (Sec 207,            C).
    3. Quarterly Audits by Trustees must be submitted. (Sec 814)
    4. Officers elected, installed, and reported to National Headquarters no later than June 30. This will                generate the bond application via email. (Sec 804A & 806A)
    5. The officer of President and treasurer MUST be bonded by August 31 of current year. (Sec. 814, E)
I will continue to use the Building on the VFW Auxiliary Foundation manual and make every effort to educate members on all aspects of the duties of officers and chairmen.
We will work with the Unaffiliated Posts to establish new Auxiliaries to help our organization grow by making presentations using the PowerPoint "Why Having an Auxiliary can Boost Your Post” and/or the PDF "Top Ten Reasons for Your Post to Have and Auxiliary”.

 Look in the Members Only Aux tab for the Report Form