Auxiliary Outreach
Program Goals:
Auxiliary Outreach is not complicated, we volunteer or partner with other organizations.
To be considered Auxiliary Outreach an outreach project must be approved by the members and recorded in the minutes prior to the project.
In rare instances such as natural disaster or emergency community needs the members may vote after the fact. Those participating must wear the Auxiliary emblem on a shirt, jacket, hat, or pin.
Even if only one member shows up, it still counts as Auxiliary Outreach. By seeing members, in the VFW Auxiliary attire, partnered with other groups, at events and programs to benefit the community, we show our belief in sharing our most valuable asset…. our time.
These types of projects are considered Auxiliary Outreach
• Volunteering at a homeless shelter serving meals, cleaning, or bussing tables.
• Partnering with local first responders on training classes or events.
• Partnering with a local charity by helping them set up or manning a booth for them.
• Volunteering with a garden club or other groups to clean up parks or lakes.
• Partnering with a youth group to collect food donations for their food pantry.
What’s NOT Considered Auxiliary Outreach
• Volunteer work for the benefit of the Post or Auxiliary.
• Donations of items or monies to any group.
• Cooking or serving a meal for Post or Auxiliary fundraiser or hosting for another charity.
• Church activities for one specific congregation and not the entire community. (e.g., usher, elder, deacon, minister, etc.)
• Collecting clothing or comfort items for Veterans. This is Veterans & Family Support
Look under the Members only Aux tab for the report form