Central Arkansas VA needs list and volunteer opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment
Recognition and Support
Valentines for Veterans
Hospital - The VFW and Auxiliary supports hospitalized veterans, by visiting them at the VA Medical Centers, as well as in local community hospitals and nursing homes. 
Veterans’ Health Care: Veterans receive care in many ways. You can volunteer in facilities or homes such as the VA Hospitals, local hospitals, Veteran’s Homes, Nursing Homes, a Veterans homes. VA and non-VA medical centers and clinics put Volunteers on the front line. All these facilities provide care to Veterans.
National Salute to Veteran Patients: The week of February 14 (Valentines) is a great opportunity to say you care and thank you to the Veterans we support. It’s a time to also make the community aware of the VA’s role at the medical centers, pay tribute to Veterans, and encourage new volunteers. All VA’s in Arkansas will have special programs that week and ways that you can be involved.
Women Veterans Health Care Program: Women make up more than 10% of the military yet their services thru the VA are often lacking. Let’s take time this year to understand this issue and be an active voice to ensure timely, equitable service for these Veterans.
Volunteer Recruitment, Recognition and Support: New volunteers are needed every day. Volunteering saves the VA and other facilities millions of dollars every year. We will focus on increasing our Volunteers this year.
Where We Serve: Sometimes the only attention and support comes from the Volunteers. Whether it is in the VA Hospitals, local hospitals, Veteran’s homes, nursing homes, their homes, volunteers serve and provide comfort and happiness.
Who Can Serve: Members, non-members, youth, and families. We create a friendly and caring atmosphere no matter where we volunteer. A smile, a kind word, a short visit all makes the day a little brighter for a Veteran or their family.
What We Can Do: Every VA or hospital has its own unique needs. The best place to start is by asking one of the VAVS Department Representative how you can get involved, or a recreational therapist at a Nursing Home. There are so many ways to help. Veterans may need you to read to them or write a letter for them. Stop by to check on them. Do they have what they need? All of these small gestures can go a long way. Volunteer when you can and where you can.
What can we earn: The VFW Auxiliary has Hospital Volunteer Service Pins that can be ordered from the VFW Store. Your Auxiliary Hospital Chairman should track the hours of members and non-members volunteering and apply for pins.
Outstanding Hospital Volunteer: Each Auxiliary can submit an Outstanding Hospital Volunteer of the Year to the Hospital Chairman. The Department Outstanding Hospital Volunteer winner will be sent to National to be eligible for Outstanding Hospital Volunteer of the Year.
Honors Escort: This program is an opportunity for the Veterans family, friends, and medical facility staff to participate in a display of high regard and reverence for the Veteran. It is not riders accompanying or standing by at the cemetery or grave side.- It is done at the place of death, hospital, or home.

Department Hospitalized Veterans 25th Annual Lake Good Hope Fishing Derby. October 11, 2024, is the date for this fun filled and well received event at the North Little Rock VA (Towbin/Ft Roots). Please donate to the Derby by sending a check to the Department Treasurer and earmark it "Fishing Derby.” All members are encouraged to volunteer on the 11th. Check the view as plans are finalized for this year.
The Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs is responsible for the Veterans Homes in North Little Rock and Fayetteville and time spent volunteering was only reported on the Auxiliary Hospital report. As of late 2019 the Veterans Administration and Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs have signed an agreement that now allows Veterans Home volunteer hours to be reported through the VA.
Hours earn VFW Auxiliary Awards Hours earn VAVS and VFW Auxiliary Awards
The VFW Auxiliary establishes relationships with The Department of Veterans Affairs created the Hospitals Nursing Homes, Veterans Homes VAVS Program for organization to serve in VA Facilities Other facilities where Veterans get care medical facilities, State Veterans Homes.
Hours served in both of these facilities can be recorded on the VFW Auxiliary Hospital report and earn VFW Auxiliary, hourly service pins for time spent serving Veterans. Hours served in the VAVS Program are awarded hourly service pins from the VA. Volunteers are recognized at an annual event to receive awards from the VA. The VA also has outstanding volunteer of the year and auxiliary members are eligible to receive that award.
Nominations for Outstanding Hospital Volunteer of the Year should be accompanied by the application form, letters of recommendation from the facility where the members volunteers or any other pictures or documents that substantiate the assignment and hours that the member serves at each facility. Many of our members volunteer at more than one facility and each of their immediate supervisors may submit a letter of recommendation.
Look the Members Only Aux Tab for the report form