"Buddy” Poppy Education/Outreach
National "Buddy” Poppy Display Contest
This is going to be a BIG year for the VFW National Home as it celebrates 100 years of taking care of Veteran Families. We will find exciting ways to participate in this huge milestone for our organization. In introduction I want you to know a bit about me, I joined the Auxiliary 4 years ago at Auxiliary 2242, in Paragould, on the eligibility of my stepfather. This is my first chairmanship, but I am excited to have been asked to serve. My goal is to inspire and encourage Auxiliaries to contribute and participate in supporting Veterans and their families through promoting this program in their communities.
The "Buddy” Poppy Program has been an integral part of the VFW since 1922. It is a physical reminder of the service of American service members. It is the official memorial flower of the VFW. Any time is the right time to have a "Buddy” Poppy distribution. It’s time to educate the community of the importance of our Buddy Poppy. We know what it is, but we need to let the community know how it benefits Veterans and Families in our communities. All proceeds from distribution must go to the auxiliary Relief Fund.
National "Buddy” Poppy Display Contest
• Takes Place annually at National Convention Displays are judged in three (3) categories:
1. Public Promotion 2. Memorial or Inspirational Displays 3. Artistic or Decorative Use
We will be supporting the VFW Chairmen in all aspects of the Poppy program. Watch the View before Department Mid-Winter and State Convention for information on a Display Contest. I am just a call away for any of your questions. Put you thinking caps on! We will be taking a winning Poppy Displays to National Convention in Columbus, Ohio.
VFW National Home
100 Years of supporting Veterans and families. Every Auxiliary should be sending a Happy Birthday card to the National Home. Let’s help them celebrate in a big way. Send your cards directly to the VFW National Home. There are many ways to promote and support the National Home. Purchasing a Life Memberships is one way, purchasing a memorial brick is another. The National Program Book has good ideas. This year emphasis will be the 100th Anniversary. Supporting the National Home through your Auxiliary Donations to Health and Happiness is easy now that we can make donation on MALTA. You can mail your check as we have always done to VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters, Attn: Health & Happiness Donations, 406 W. 34TH Street, 10th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64111. Members may make gifts as individuals in Malta also.
Look under the Members Only Aux Tab for the report forms