Historian/Media Relations
Historian Duties
Media Relations
Media Relations: Media is more than Social; but this year the emphasis will be on Social Media. Social media is always changing and can be a fun way to show the community what we are doing to support them and Veterans. It’s another way to include younger more tech savvy members in our programs. To be successful an Auxiliary should be using all forms of media to promote and educate about our VFW Auxiliaries, our hospital volunteers, our scholarships, our youth and our support of Veterans and their Families. .
It's still important to use traditional media so that you reach out to the community that is not using social media to get their news. Please continue to use TV, Radio and Newspapers in your area. Also share your programs and promotion with door hanger, newsletters even the Auxiliary online magazine . A great way to identify this part of your role as Historian is to start is the VFW Auxiliary website: www.vfwauxiliary.org/resources. There you will find many helpful resources to enhance your Historian and Media program.
Who should you contact about Auxiliary news? It’s a good idea to read and watch the media in your local areas. Subscribe to newspapers and watch the newscasts. Make a list of media contacts. Send information directly to these contacts rather than the editor—news staff who specialize in relevant areas, like society and calendar page editors.
What’s newsworthy? Does it involve local people? Does it interest non-members? Is it timely? Does it help the community? Is it unique and new? If the answer is yes, this is a chance for you to pitch a story with an "angle” that will showcase your Auxiliary’s hard work and accomplishments.
National President Visit-–This year the National Presidents visit is changing. Yes, I want you all to be there and take pictures. But I need you to include your VFW members in the visit. I will be required to submit a year-end report about the visit and can be creative in how the report is prepared. So again, I need your help. Send me any pictures, or news items whether in print or social media along with any stories that you feel would be informational or humorous for the National President to have in her memories.
Who should you contact about Auxiliary news? It’s a good idea to read and watch the media in your local areas. Subscribe to newspapers and watch the newscasts. Make a list of media contacts. Send information directly to these contacts rather than the editor—news staff who specialize in relevant areas, like society and calendar page editors.
What’s newsworthy? Does it involve local people? Does it interest non-members? Is it timely? Does it help the community? Is it unique and new? If the answer is yes, this is a chance for you to pitch a story with an "angle” that will showcase your Auxiliary’s hard work and accomplishments.
Please look under the Members Only Aux tab for the report form